
  • New publishing platform for ERA


    Dear colleagues,

    we hope you are all well!

    Ethnobotany Research amnd Applications has finally moved to a new version of the PKP publishing platform. You will see a new look of the website, a better submission interface, and a more modern journal layout.

    This move might of course also bring some hickups with it while we are all working through the new interface. Please let us know if you experience any problems.

    This also would be an excellent moment to review your account details, and if needed, make any necessary updates, and remove any duplicate accounts you might have.


    Best regards,

    Your ERA team

    Read more about New publishing platform for ERA
  • Please update your ERA accounts


    Dear colleagues,

    we hope all of you are well in these challenging times! 

    ERA is receiving an increasing number of manuscripts that are not in English, and comply with the guidelines to contain a comprehensive abstract in English, with all captions bilingual. 

    However, we do need bilingual reviewers to review these manuscripts, and it would be very helpful if every ERA reader could indicate in their "REVIEWING INTERESTS" also WHICH LANGUAGES THEy SPEAK.

    So kindly update your accounts, and please indicate in which languages you can review!

    ERA is a project of the whole community, and we all should participate!

    Read more about Please update your ERA accounts