Inventory and Implications of Plant Use for Environmental Conservation in Visconde de Mauá, Serra da Mantiqueira, Brazil


  • Mariana Martins da Costa Quinteiro Associação Educacional Dom Bosco
  • Ana Mayumi Gonçalves Tamashiro Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Marcelo Guerra Santos Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Luiz José Soares Pinto Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Moemy Gomes Moraes Universidade Federal de Goiás


Traditional Knowledge, Parana Pine Forest, Itatiaia National Park


The community of Visconde de Mauá is located in the Serra da Mantiqueira Environmental Protection Area, characterized by high mountain rainforest vegetation. Despite a resident population predominantly from outside the region, inhabitants follow local patterns of plant use. Local plant uses were identified using participant observation, semi-structured and informal interviews, and guided tours. Uses were sorted in categories: medicine, food, handicrafts, fuel, construction, ornamental, and symbolic. Among the categories, medicinal use included the largest number of plant species. Tourism is intense in the area and has already affected community patterns of plant use by reducing demand for food cultivation. Alternatively, tourism has instead spurned demand for fuel and handmade crafts, a practice deemed to be incompatible with the preservation of the environment and local plant species.




How to Cite

Quinteiro, M. M. da C., Tamashiro, A. M. G., Santos, M. G., Pinto, L. J. S., & Moraes, M. G. (2015). Inventory and Implications of Plant Use for Environmental Conservation in Visconde de Mauá, Serra da Mantiqueira, Brazil. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 14, 027–047. Retrieved from


