Ethnomedicinal use, phytochemistry and biological activity of the Andean plant Buddleja incana Ruiz & Pav. (Scrophulariaceae)


  • Javier Enciso Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunologia Universidad Científica del Sur. Lima
  • Jose Amiel Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunologia Universidad Cientifica del Sur. Lima
  • Victor Miranda Universidad Científica del Sur. Lima
  • Ana Mayanga Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunologia Universidad Cientifica del Sur. Lima
  • Salyoc Tapia Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunologia Universidad Cientifica del Sur. Lima
  • Fredy Fabian Departamento Académico de Sanidad Vegetal y Producción Pecuaria, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes.


Buddleja incana, fitoquimica, plantas medicinales, flora de los andes.


Background: Buddleja incana Ruiz & Pav. (Scrophulariaceae) is an ancestral medicinal plant from the Andes of South America used in traditional medicine since the Inca culture, but currently little studied in its chemical components. The objective of this review is to gather all the scientific information on this plant for the purpose of its use in alternative medicine and at the same time stimulate its study in research groups in the Andean countries.

Materials and methods: Various electronic search engines and specialized reference tools such as Google, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, publication sites and electronic databases (Pubmed, Springer, Wiley and Science Direct) were used.

Results: Phytochemical studies have found the following chemical components: flavonoids, steroids, saponins, leucoanthocyanidins, triterpenes, phenols, tannins, reducing sugars, coumarins, alkaloids, terpenes and verbascosides. This plant is used to treat various diseases and pathological conditions, having shown anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antifungal and febrifuge effects, in the following conditions: wounds, neuralgia, skin and gastrointestinal ulcers, papillomatosis, skin cancer, photosensitization, immunomodulator.

Conclusions: Buddleja incana was a sacred and medicinal plant of the Incas. It is currently used for the treatment of liver, bronchial and urogenital diseases. It has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antirheumatic, antimicrobial, anti-hyperglycemic, wound regenerating effects, for the treatment of warts, skin ulcers, antiproliferative, and for its photoprotective effect on the skin. In veterinary medicine it is used to treat skin photosensitization in sheep, in bovine warts and in canine oral papillomatosis.

Keywords: Buddleja incana, phytochemistry, medicinal plants, flora of the Andes.

Author Biography

Javier Enciso, Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunologia Universidad Científica del Sur. Lima

Jefe. Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunología




How to Cite

Enciso, J., Amiel, J., Miranda, V., Mayanga, A., Tapia, S., & Fabian, F. (2020). Ethnomedicinal use, phytochemistry and biological activity of the Andean plant Buddleja incana Ruiz & Pav. (Scrophulariaceae). Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 20, 1–14. Retrieved from


