Kam Guilzhouh nyim Guangxxih di Benxtux Wenchual nyim Zihyuanc dih Gonxliix: Kam Local Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Resource Management in Guizhou and Guangxi Provinces, China


  • Amy Eisenberg Sonoma County Indian Health Project and World Care Project Manager for Tibetan Projects
  • Paul John Amato Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital
  • Deng Tao Jishou University


Local Indigenous Knowledge Systems, agroforestry, pisciculture, sustainable natural resource management


Historically, the Han Chinese forcibly displaced Kam people from the best agricultural land. Today, the Kam cultural landscape largely encompasses the border regions of Guizhou, Hunan and Guangxi Provinces, in which lie verdant riverine mountains and valleys. Sufficient water resources support Kam rice cultivation and the broadleaf and evergreen forests of the humid subtropical montane ecosystem. The Kam have dwelled in this diverse environment for approximately 2,000 years developing unique livelihood strategies of harvesting fish and grain from paddy fields, integrating agroforestry and agriculture on mountain slopes and applying specialized knowledge and skills in utilizing local natural resources. Kam people believe that spirits inhabit elements in nature and the world around them, thus great respect should be given to these supernatural beings. Kam resource management practices support regional vegetation where hillside pastureland and forage for domestic animals are ample. Kam rice paddies and fishponds have been judiciously maintained, contributing to Kam cultural survival and development.

Author Biographies

Amy Eisenberg, Sonoma County Indian Health Project and World Care Project Manager for Tibetan Projects

 Principal investigator on UNESCO-LINKS and UNDESA participatory project research with the Kam Ethnic Minority of China through the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2006-2007

World Care Project Manager for Tibetan Projects

International Expert, Research Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology, Jishou University, China

Paul John Amato, Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital

ICU RN Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Team photographer, UNESCO-LINKS and UNDESA research project with the Kam Ethnic Minority through the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Deng Tao, Jishou University

Graduate student in Botany at Jishou University, Hunan, China




How to Cite

Eisenberg, A., Amato, P. J., & Tao, D. (2009). Kam Guilzhouh nyim Guangxxih di Benxtux Wenchual nyim Zihyuanc dih Gonxliix: Kam Local Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Resource Management in Guizhou and Guangxi Provinces, China. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 7, 067–113. Retrieved from https://ethnobotanyjournal.org/index.php/era/article/view/230


