Influence of Ayurveda in traditional health practice of tribe of Shahapur and Jawhar forest area of Maharashtra
Ethnomedicinal, Ethnobotany, Ayurveda, Folk healersAbstract
Background: The ancient traditional system of medicine of India knows as “Ayurveda” uses natural sources as the base of medicine as per fundamental principles. The traditional folk healers also retain such knowledge gained from their ancestors of proper usage of natural resources available in their native flora, for the management of disease. Hence this study was planned to document tribal knowledge from the Jawhar and Shahapur Forest division of Maharashtra, India and verified with reported information of the Ayurveda.
Methods: Data was collected by recording detail interview of 47 respondents during Medico-ethno-botanical survey in the year 2018-19. Collected data was analyzed using quantitative tools, like Use Value (UV), Informant Consensus Factor (ICF), Family Importance Value (FIV), and Fidelity Level (FL). Collected claims were also validated from 20 books including classical textbooks of Ayurveda and ethno medicine and other search engines.
Results: Total 182 Ethno medicinal claims consisting of 10 compound formulations were reported for combating 68 different types of diseases and symptoms. Data of 99 plant species belonging to 88 genera and 48 families were recorded from 47 respondents. The highest use value (UV) 0.13 was recorded for Holarrhena pubescens Wall. ex G. Don and Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers. It was observed that 16 claims of a single drug and all compound formulations are not recorded in the classical textbooks of Ayurveda
Conclusion: Almost 95% of tribal health practice is according to the Ayurveda. However, novel folk claims could be explored for bioactive and further pharmacological activities to introduce in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia.
Key words: Ayurveda, Ethno medicine, Folklore claim, Validation.
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