Crops and Cultures in the Pacific: New data and new techniques for the investigation of old questions
Fifty years ago Carl Sauer suggested, controversially andon the basis of theory rather than evidence, that South-
east Asia was the source area for agriculture throughout
the Old World, including the Pacific. Since then, the ar-
chaeobotanical record (macroscopic and microscopic)
from the Pacific islands has increased, leading to sugges-
tions, also still controversial, that Melanesia was a cen-
ter of origin of agriculture independent of South-east Asia,
based on tree fruits and nuts and vegetatively propagated
starchy staples. Such crops generally lack morphologi-
cal markers of domestication, so exploitation, cultivation
and domestication cannot easily be distinguished in the
archaeological record. Molecular studies involving tech-
niques such as chromosome painting, DNA fingerprinting
and DNA sequencing, can potentially complement the ar-
chaeological record by suggesting where species which
were spread through the Pacific by man originated and
by what routes they attained their present distributions.
A combination of archaeobotanical and molecular studies
should therefore eventually enable the rival claims of Mel-
anesia versus South-east Asia as independent centers of
invention of agriculture to be assessed.
How to Cite
Pickersgill, B. (2004). Crops and Cultures in the Pacific: New data and new techniques for the investigation of old questions. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 2, 001–008. Retrieved from
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