The willow (Salix sp.) toothpicks from the Cistercian Monastery of Lorvão (Penacova, Portugal)


  • Luis Carvalho Beja Polytecnic University
  • Francisca Maria Fernandes IHC FCSH Nova University of Lisbon, Avenida de Berna, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Paula Nozes Beja Polytecnhic University
  • Ana Paula Figueira
  • Sara Albuquerque
  • Paula Silva
  • Maria de Fátima Nunes


In Portugal, the tradition of handmade white willow (Salix alba L.) toothpicks began in the Cistercian Monastery of Lorvão (Penacova), in an uncertain date during the 17th century. After the suppression of all monastic orders (1834), people from Lorvão continued this craft and, later, this parish became the main Portuguese center of the toothpick industry, an activity that still flourishes today. Handmade toothpicks, following ancient methods, are now made as a cultural symbol of the Penacova region.

Keywords willow wood, toothpicks, monastery traditions.




How to Cite

Carvalho, L., Fernandes, F. M., Nozes, P., Figueira, A. P. ., Albuquerque, S., Silva, P., & Nunes, M. de F. (2024). The willow (Salix sp.) toothpicks from the Cistercian Monastery of Lorvão (Penacova, Portugal). Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 28, 1–17. Retrieved from



Notes on Ethnobotany