Legacy of Kum (Strobilanthes flaccidifolius) Dye: A Case study with the Culture of Meitei community of Manipur, Northeast India.


  • deshworjit singh ningombam Manipur University, India
  • ningthoujam sanjoy singh Manipur University, India
  • potsangbam kumar singh Manipur University
  • oinam brojendro singh manipur university


Kum dyed phanek


The traditional skill of dyeing not only forms the status symbol but also an indispensible aspect of the socio-economic life of the Manipuris. Kum dye is used for imparting unique cool black and indigo for the costumes or loin cloth of meitei women used for all sorts of formal outings, cultural and religious ceremonies. The legacy of Kum plant still exist, as people continue to purchase chemically dye loin cloth branded as Kum dyed phanek (KDP). In rating method, people prefer KDP for its lustrous after very wash follows by comfortable, cool eyeing effect and pleasant smell. Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (2- tail) between traditional way of Kum dye making and the age of the informant. The X2 statistics is significant at 0.05 level of economic vialibility and demand of original KDP. Declining reason is unavailability of Kum plant which is due overexploitation from wild and habitat destruction. A major drawback of KDP is brittleness of thread. Pearson Chi square test is significant at 0.05 level, on the mode of collection and reason for revival of Kum culture.

 Keywords: Metei, Kum dye phanek, manipuris, lairembee ,Kum..

Author Biographies

deshworjit singh ningombam, Manipur University, India

Research Scholar

Department of Ethnobotany and Plant physiology Lab.

MAnipur University, India

ningthoujam sanjoy singh, Manipur University, India

research scholar

Department of Ethnobotany and Plant physiology Lab.

Manipur University, India

potsangbam kumar singh, Manipur University

Associate professor

Department of Ethnobotany and Plant physiology Lab.

Manipur University, India

oinam brojendro singh, manipur university

Research Scholar 

Department of Ethnobotany and Plant physiology Lab.

Manipur University, India




How to Cite

ningombam, deshworjit singh, singh, ningthoujam sanjoy, singh, potsangbam kumar, & singh, oinam brojendro. (2012). Legacy of Kum (Strobilanthes flaccidifolius) Dye: A Case study with the Culture of Meitei community of Manipur, Northeast India. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 10, 561–570. Retrieved from https://ethnobotanyjournal.org/index.php/era/article/view/616


