Foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.) culture in Georgia, South Caucasus
Background: Historical sources, archaeological and botanical, as well as ethnobotanical data indicate on well-developed agriculture in Georgia since ancient times. Highly diverse climate, almost all types of soils and their multiple combinations created a good base for natural and folk selection, resulted in a true cultural heritage of the nation - cultural flora of Georgia. Close relation between people and plants in every aspect of life is well illustrated by rich ethnobotanical material. Unfortunately, ethnobotanical knowledge is being lost along with the diversity of agrarian cultures. One of the examples of this is foxtail millet. Before the introduction of corn culture in Georgia in the XVII century, millets occupied an important place in the country’s economy; the main cereal crop was foxtail millet ghomi (in Georgian), Setaria italica L. (Panicum italicum L.), and an everyday meal, a porridge ghomis-ghomi was used as bread. The article presents botanical and ethnobotanical data related to the distribution, cultivation, food, medicinal and ritual uses of foxtail millet.
Methods: The review paper is based on literature sources deposited at the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia (NLPG). Literature searches were performed through the NLPG catalog ( with diverse keywords related to foxtail millet, crop cultivation history in general, names of known researchers of cereal crops, ethnographers, historians, travelers, etc.
Results: Along with historical, archaeological and botanical data, ethnographic materials confirm the antiquity of the foxtail millet culture in Georgia, and for the most part in western Georgia reflected in the great number of its varieties. The sources reviewed show diversity of uses of this crop as food, medicine and an important component of various folk rituals as a symbol of wealth.
Conclusions: Ethnobotanical knowledge is being lost along with the diversification of agrarian culture. One of the examples is foxtail millet. Before the introduction of corn culture in Georgia in the XVII century, millets occupied an important place in Georgia’s economy; one of the main cereal crops was foxtail millet, ghomi in Georgian, as an everyday meal used as bread and widely symbolizing wealth in folk rituals.
Keywords: Ghomi, Sakartvelo, ancient grains
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