An Ethnobotanical Study of the Swamp Wetland Vegetation of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya


  • Josephine Mumbe Mulei
  • Donald F. Otieno
  • Augostino Osore Onkware


Ethnobotany, Uasin Gishu


Ethnobotanical knowledge associated with wetland plants in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, was assessed and documented. Data on the uses of plants, their local names, and parts used were collected through semi-structured interviews. Fifty wild plant species distributed across 45 genera and 23 families were cited as having traditional uses in the area. Of these, 26 were used as fodder, 14 as medicine, 12 as firewood, 9 as food, and 11 for construction. Some, like Cyperus papyrus L. and Acacia seyal Delile, had multiple uses. Thirty-one plants (62%) of the total recorded were herbs, 13 (26%) shrubs, 3 (6%) trees, and 3 (6%) climbers. Various plant parts were used for different purposes. Medicinal plants were useful in treating a total of 19 ailments and had various methods of preparation.

Author Biography

Josephine Mumbe Mulei

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Eldoret

P. O. Box 30100-1125

Eldoret, KENYA




How to Cite

Mulei, J. M., Otieno, D. F., & Onkware, A. O. (2014). An Ethnobotanical Study of the Swamp Wetland Vegetation of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 12, 315–324. Retrieved from


