Potential Importance of Sociological Tourism for Madagascar's Protected Areas and Those Who Live Around Them
Tourism is a ubiquitous part of the management plans of Madagascar’s accessible protected areas (and even some that are inaccessible) where it is seen as an economicjustification for conservation and as a means to finance
conservation activities and provide benefits for the communities surrounding the nature reserves. This tourism
is normally focused on flora and fauna and little attempt
is made to interest the tourist in the lives of local people. Here, consideration is given to why this is so and the possible benefits of developing sociological tourism around Madagascar’s reserves.
How to Cite
Birkinshaw, C. (2005). Potential Importance of Sociological Tourism for Madagascar’s Protected Areas and Those Who Live Around Them. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 3, 383–384. Retrieved from https://ethnobotanyjournal.org/index.php/era/article/view/93
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